A New Direction in Coaching
From Life Coaching to Life-as-Art-Coaching
In most general terms, the purpose of life coaching is to make it
possible for people to succeed in getting a better life. Individual life
coaches have different ways and strategies to help their clients reach
goals that will change an unfulfilling life into an exciting, rich and
rewarding one.
Traditionally coaching designates relationships
between trainers and athletes. Besides training for specific skills,
coaches also help their players discover and initiate ever-improving
strategies. Nowadays, the paradigm of coaching has expanded far beyond
sports to include areas like business, career, financial, personal
relationships and any other element that is part of life.
underlying aim of life coaching is for clients to achieve a life that is
worth- while in all of its components. So we are talking about "the
good life." How do we determine what this is? A simple answer might be
that it is the life of someone who has "everything" and is content with
what he or she has. Take it one step further, and ask how do you know
if you have everything? It's easy to find out:
Mr. and Ms. X are
happy because they each have a good marriage or partnership, good
health, enough money to satisfy needs and wants, and enough time to
enjoy it all. What happens when any one of these elements is lost or
at least temporarily missing? If one piece of a jigsaw puzzle can't be
found the picture is no longer whole. If several pieces have
disappeared, then the joy of working the puzzle turns into little more
than frustration. Stated simply, you only know the real value of what
you have when it is gone.
Assuming major basic needs have been
met, life may be okay, but somehow you cannot get away from the feeling
it is not all that it could be. Why are some things in your life
exciting and fulfilling while the rest are boring and/or frustrating?
The answer is that the better life is spirited, lively, and above all
creative. It does not matter if you are working in a profession,
practicing a trade, or making your way as an artist; if you are
creatively engaged, you will not feel exhausted at the end of the day.
The more room there is for creativity in your skills and talents, the
more fun it is to do your work, and with work turning into play, your
morale stays high-- your workday becomes colorful and rewarding.
who have found a fitting career direction are happy and fulfilled
because it is easy for them to be who they are in their true nature.
They become better and better at whatever they are doing because their
work has become play and play is the pathway to creativity.
that mean that those who have a satisfying career are leading a life
that is as good as it gets? Unfortunately this is most often not the
case because the creativity which comes into play in one's vocation is
all-too-often barely present in other parts of one's life. A genius in
science, an outstandingly successful entrepreneur, a doctor renowned in
his or her specialty may have nothing but trouble with relationships
with friends, family or partners. Why is the creativity so manifest in
one's work simply not present in others parts of one's life? Why?
Because the person's mindset says "the area of discovery exploration and
creativity is in my work and nowhere else. The rest of my life is
simply something to 'take care of, at best a nuisance, at worst a pain.'
Having only one part of one's existence alive and exciting
while the rest is a wasteland is a wide-spread dilemma. Life should not
be part paradise, part desert. Yes, the wasteland can be ignored. But
wouldn't it be better if it were turned into a garden, a park or a
healthy nature preserve? The remedy I am offering is to find ways in
which life in all its beauty can be experienced as art. I will support
you to find ways to let your creative energies permeate any or all parts
your existence. To help bring this reality into being, I offer my
services as your Life-as-Art-Coach.
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