Sunday, June 13, 2010

Life Is But a Stage

Life is but a stage, and we are all actors. As actors we assume characters, and as characters we relate to other performers in accordance with the parts we and they play. We may feel love or hate, respect or contempt, or any other emotion toward others as the script demands. To be an effective actor, you need to believe in and then become your own character and relate to others as being real. If the script demands that you detest one of the other persons on the stage you need to do so for the sake of the performance. But the danger is that if you very strongly identify with the character you are playing, you may become the on-stage character off-stage.

Can this create a problem in one's life? Yes, if you forget that you and your fellow actors are only playing parts demanded by the script. If the scenario calls for your character to hate another character in the performance, you need to remember that what takes place on stage is only an act, and that your fellow actors are human beings with their own paths through life.


Anonymous said...

And this is exactly how I cope with being a lawyer!!!


Howard said...

Lou, you have all my respect!

Cecilia said...

It reminds me Pirandello's magnificent play: Six characters in search of an author.


Howard said...

Thanks, Tercsi. There is a 1976 adaptation of Pirandello's play on DVD that I now am playing to watch